May 26, 2013 09:50
I'm lying in the spare room with the window open as my bf has sweated up the duvet and the bedroom is super hot and he refuses to let me open a window. And I can't put my feet out of the duvet in case the kitten eats them.
Sometimes after night shift I'm just totally wired and it makes no sense as I'm actually exhausted.
I just have to say. Milly the kitten might just be the greatest thing ever. Coming home and seeing her cute wee face is just a joy. She's just curled up next to me (after scratching me by accident) and I just love her to bits. I used to hate those people who post pictures of their pets in Facebook all the time and now I'm one of them. If we had a baby our family would literally be perfect now. Fingers crossed on that one :)
Hmmm I should really go to sleep now Zzzzzzzzzzzz
via ljapp