Oh, For a Book!

Jul 26, 2013 22:51

I used to have a copy of a poem about reading books, close to my old desk at work. In more recent years since my retirement, I'd forgotten all about it.

Just now, I somehow landed at my old Google website, which I abandoned several years ago after Google altered virtually everything about their "sites.google.com". The poem is on one of the pages.
Here goes:

"Looking up a Tree" -- My photo of a tree in Lewes, Delaware. (I LOVE looking straight up a tree trunk!)

"Oh for a book and a shady nook,

either in a door or out;

with the green leaves whispering overhead,

or the street cries all about.

Where I may read all at my ease,

both the new and old;

for a jolly good book whereon to look,

is better to me than gold."

by John Wilson


"English Farm Door" (photographer unknown)

so many books, lewes de, john wilson, reading, looking up a tree, trees, books

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