15 + Time Wells for Authors.

Jun 28, 2011 16:27

I've carefully chosen "Over 15 Time Wells", as a gift to any author who wants to put off their writing projects for a little while. Enjoy!

(You're Welcome!)

The Kaizen Plan: Small Steps to Big Change: 7 Techniques for Staying Focused on Your Goals
How do we stay focused on a goal?  Say it. Measure it. Chart it. Spotlight it. Post it. Plan It. Imagine It.

750 Words
Hello, welcome to a little thing called 750 Words
I've long been inspired by an idea I first learned about in The Artist's Way called morning pages. Morning pages are threepages of writing done every day, typically encouraged to be in "long hand", typically done in the morning, that can be aboutanything and everything that comes into your head.

When to Break the Rules: A Reflection « Karysa Faire's Way
"The truth is there is only one rule to writing. Write."

"Get the Author Off the Page aka Deep POV"

Savvy Authors - The Front Page of the Savvy Authors Learning Center

From their Index: Webinar & Chat Events
"Mining for Gold"   "Stump the Queen"  "Seven Things I Haven't Learned so Far in Writing"

Online Workshops
"Spinoffs!"  "Pissing Off Editors"  "I Hate to Write a Synopsis" "Nonverbal Communications to Writers" "Beginnings"

Taming the To-Be-Read Pile
(My pile has grown to monstrous proportions. What about yours? How do you cull through the stack(s)?

Clarion Foundation. Writer's Craft - the Joy of Writing
(Especially for the Comments!  -- 37 at last count)

Clarion Foundation. Writer's Craft - The Love of Words
Words are my drug of choice, just as they are for most writers. ...What is it about words that makes them so attractive?

Navigating the Slush Pile
blog by Vickie Motter, an agent

The Wonderful World of Victoria Durm − Finding Inspiration
it never ceases to amaze me when a completely new story idea hits me at 3AM. And people wonder why I don’t sleep at night

deCompose: 10 Books I Should Read But Haven't
(Be sure to check out the 25 comments! I haven't responded but I'm thinking about it. Like Pooh, "Think! Think! Think!")

Faith Van Horne. "Loconeal" aka "common problems I found with submissions"
Over the past couple of months, I got the chance to read some submissions for Loconeal Publishing's upcoming scifi/fantasy anthology. ...common problems I found with submissions and what to watch for before you send.

Funds for Writers
Lateset FFW Newsletter:

The Kaizen Plan 25: The Year is Half Over. What Have You Got to Celebrate?
(Do) you think, “Who knew the first half of this year was going to be so awesome?” or, “Oh crap, already?”

From a fellow YAAYNHO (young adult) author, Kathy Sullivan, Point of View :
I'm blogging about a recent DucKon panel on Point of View over at "YA Authors You've Never Heard Of":
"How do you decide which POV to use?   Do you know beforehand that you need certain viewpoints?"

decompose, clarion foundation, kaizen plan, loconeal, vickie motter, savvy authors, kelly a harmon, karysa faire, writing tips, victoria durm

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