someone might be interested in this

Jul 24, 2016 06:41

the cloud appreciation society is looking for someone to write about clouds. We need help writing content for the Cloud Appreciation Society, and we would love to give this work to one of our members. If you write really well (in English), you have a good sense of humour and you know your Cumulus from your lenticularis, we’d love to hear from you.

The work would be online (i.e. you can do it from wherever) and you could manage it in your own time. We would start pay at £15 GBP per hour (or the equivalent in your currency) - assuming that you don’t write a word an hour. You won’t be able to buy that yacht in a hurry, but it would be really interesting and flexible work for a cloudspotter. If you would like to be considered as a contributor to the Cloud Appreciation Society, please fill in the form below [here] to let us know more about you.

and here is a photo i took on my way home from work of a beautiful cumulous formation above central station.

according to the metadata, i took this in july 2013. which just goes to show that i do get around to things eventually.


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