right now i'm supposed to be in newtown watching star wars burlesque. but i'm not, obviously, because i jinxed myself with my god damn 4am post and i've been sick with GI symptoms and a raging fever all fucking day.
since nausea is so often my default state, it's hard to know when my body is saying, "oh i am slightly put out," or, "actually i'm hungry," or, "for fuck's sake you are dying!" similarly with fever. so it takes a lot to make me shift my mindset from, "feeling kinda yuck today," to, "oh you mean it for real this time?"
that happened sometime around 11 this morning.
my fever seems to have peaked at 37.6, which isn't much of a fever for a normal human with a normal body temperature of 37. but since my normal body temperature is 36.5 or below, it's a whole degree. and taking paracetamol hasn't seemed to help. it has, however, helped with the horrible feeling that my skin has been turned inside out. so there's that.
i just managed to keep about a tablespoon of chicken breast down for the last 15 minutes, so i might get crazy and try another mouthful. although frankly i'm concerned that it's just going to come straight out the other end. my head is doing the movie preview announcer's voice: "in the roiling battle of tree's GI tract, only one end can be the victor. at least that's what you think." because yes i have been in the situation where i've had diarrhoea and been vomiting at the same time. MY BODY IS DELIGHTFUL.
and probably tomorrow i'll feel better and it will piss me off because why couldn't i get sick on tuesday when i didn't have tickets to see a sold out show? whyyyyyyyyyyyy?
yes i'm whiny and no i don't care right now. i've spent the last nine hours in a delirium while my insides tried to expel themselves through themselves. i'm weak and exhausted and my mouth tastes like something died in it. i've had brain shocks all day every time i turn my head or close my eyes because i took my effexor too late this morning, my eyelids hurt, and i probably won't be able to sleep tonight either because i slept all day or because the battle continues to rage or both.
if i had any moisture in my body right now, i would cry. but i can't. so i guess i'll go try and eat another tablespoon of chicken breast. i fucking hate chicken breast.
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