i spent eight days at half dose and i've now finished five days seroquel-free. a lot is happening in my body right now and it's difficult to know what's a symptom and what's simply coincidence or caused by not having the stress of work. so i'm cataloguing them all.
1. allergies gone wild. honestly, i don't think my allergies have been this bad for this long ever. the cause could be all the cleaning and moving around of stuff we're doing. but i haven't stirred up dust in my room for a couple of days and i've changed all my bedding. still i'm waking up in the middle of the night scratching the roof of my mouth with my tongue, sneezing and coughing. i've been taking at least one anti-histamine every day, often two. prior to this i was going days or even weeks without needing one.
2. broken sleep. this is the one i anticipated, since i already knew from the few times i'd forgotten a dose that i couldn't stay asleep without the seroquel anymore. it's like my brain had forgotten how. the first two nights were the worst, waking every 90 minutes or so, and then having difficulty going back to sleep. now i'm down to waking once or twice a night, although getting back to sleep is still more difficult than i'd like. i don't know how much allergies play a part in this now, though.
3. fewer cognitive issues. this could be placebo, i know. but it does seem like i'm having less difficulty with using the correct word when thinking and speaking. i also seem to be making fewer random word substitutions when i type.
4. possible GI issues. it's hard to tell because my entire life is GI issues, and it could have more to do with not being at work and therefore consuming a higher rate of allergen-containing foods, and having a less regimented eating schedule. but the reflux into my mouth has gone from occasional to twice in two weeks.
5. random temperature fluctuations. i often get low-grade fevers, but i've been swinging from moderate fevers, to feeling extremely cold without fever being the underlying cause.
6. longer naps. possibly because of the broken sleep, but i've gone from naps that last from 60-90 minutes to ones that last 2-3 hours.
that's all i can think of right now, although i might update this list later. so far there hasn't been any unusual change in depression or anxiety. no urges to self-injure or suicidal ideation.
it is really so very nice not to have the alarm on my phone go off every night at 8.15 to tell me to take my pill, and then fall into a drugged stupor about half an hour later. the only side effect i will miss if it goes away is being less ticklish. and that's really a small price to pay for having my brain back.
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