some things that are awesome about dreamwidth:
- the ability to upload multiple userpics at a time
- the 'description' on icons for screen readers
a thing that is less awesome is the site scheme. though, having said that, i am getting used to troposphere purple. i thought i would be very happy when celerity went live but i find it quite unappealing in practice. the sad truth is that i actually really like lj's colour scheme and vertigo layout. please don't hurt me.
i've seen talk amongst people who are cross-posting between dw and lj about only having comments at dw. it's an appealing idea, but given the nature of my flist it's not something i can see working for me. most likely it'd just make people less inclined to communicate.
there's also been talk, mostly by detractors, about the subscription vs. granting aspects of the circle. what it seems to boil down to is a sort of 'oh noes, so-and-so doesn't like me! and now it's public and everyone can see my shame!' attitude. which, i sort of don't understand. isn't it better to know - if someone doesn't subscribe or grant access - that they're not interested in any sort of reciprocal relationship? rather than having a mutual 'friending' and having them never comment on your posts and/or not being privy to certain posts of theirs? (which is not hard to find out on lj - just look at the number of entries per day and subtract the ones you can see. what's left is where you're being left out.)
as i've said before, 99% of what i post is public. the other 1% is private and the occasional filtered post - of which there are less than ten in my entire eight year's worth of entries. so my position is that i will grant access to anyone who subscribes. but i'm not necessarily going to subscribe in return. and i will subscribe to people who i never would have friended on lj because the 'friend' relationship has always implied, to me, a reciprocity in which i either didn't expect or didn't want to participate.
so i'm happy. and now i just need to go find more people to stalk subscribe to.
note to self: when posting from the website, learn to the use the preview function, there's a good girl.
originally posted at dreamwidth.