Before I lose internet access for quite possibly a month or so, I wanted to mention that
heykidzcomix and I will (in my case, try to) be guests in MacPaladin's live podcast,
Moonhawk Studios Presents at It will be on July 8th, starting at 7PM Pacific, 10PM Eastern. Listeners are encouraged to join in with calls or interact via the IM feature! I guess it's a pain to figure out, from what I'm told.^^;Thank god
100_series and
heykidzcomix will be there, I think I'll be too nervous to talk. orz I might open up if comickery comes up. I'll try anyway!
I'll still be posting in twitter via my cellphone, I can reply awkwardly to email, so I'm not totally gone.
Oogh, I think I'm done annoying everyone with GC spam everywhere. (Sorry everyone ><) I felt really lethargic all day but now that it's almost bedtime, of course NOW I want to work work work. I did get a few things done, sadly not comic related.
See you (properly) next month or hopefully sooner!