End of S3 drabble: At First Sight

Jul 12, 2009 21:16

A/N: This was meant to be posted shortly after Acts of Remembrance but it got lost in my fic folder somehow. If there had been nothing else in S4 I wanted - dear God THIS...

Title: At First Sight
Author: wastingyourgum 
Characters/Pairings: Much/Eve, Little John/OC
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff.
Words: 100
Disclaimer: BBC & Tiger Aspect may own the copyright but WE are Robin Hood...
Warnings: none
Summary: "What Happens Next?" drabble for the end of S3 ficathon, set at a wedding...

John smiled and raised his goblet as Much and Eve danced past him, laughing. It was good to see Much finally so happy, so... complete. He took a long drink then turned to retake his seat, colliding with someone who'd been passing behind him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" she apologized as he clutched at the goblet to stop it tumbling from his grasp.

"It's fine, it's empty..." His heart stopped as he stared into sparkling blue eyes.

"Would you like some more? Wine, I mean." She laughed and it was more intoxicating than any drink.

John nodded, suddenly completely lost.

drabble, fic, end of s3 ficathon, wastingyourgum

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