I know there's a lot of Allan/Much doing the rounds at the moment for competitions and such (which I am very happy about, they're terribly lovely and frankly the best thing about the new series), but this is just something I've written, not for a competition or anything along those lines. Rules and Regs for these things are not my forte. Apologies if I mis-tag, send me angry messages and I will fix immediately with great humility!
Title: Friends?
Pairing: Much/Allan
Spoilers: Series 3, up to Ep. 4.
Rating: 15? Something around there, nothing graphic.
Disclaimer: I have nothing, whatsoever to do with the Beeb. If I did, I think it's clear that Much and Allan would get a lot more screentime. Hell, we could probably just cut out all the other characters.
Author's Note: I spent way too much time when I should have been doing other things writing this, having written the first paragraph and then abandoned it for a while. I think it's proof however that I write a lot faster (if better you shall be the judge!) when I'm listening to music, as was listening to 'Alas I Cannot Swim', Laura Marling, over and over while I wrote this, and didnt' get block at all, which one usually does. She's spiffing, love her stuff. Anyway, I'm ranting, just read it! Skip my wittering!
http://neleccentric.livejournal.com/1961.html P.S. Orginally written as a stand-alone piece, but there is now a follow up in progress.