The Much/Allan Competition

Apr 30, 2009 12:46

I'm such a silly mod, I can't even get dates right! I said that the Much/Allan competition deadline is midnight on Saturday 4th May (which totally doesn't exist this year), whereas what I meant is Saturday 9th May - which means you have over a week to get your stories in :)

There was also a question about the word limit (1000 words) and how strict it is. I think, seeing as there is a limit and people have been keeping to it, that it's best to keep it fairly strict - but let's just say I won't disqualify your story if it's only a few words over. I hope that's OK with everyone, but tell me if you object at all :)

The rules of the competition can be found here.

We've had some new members lately (welcome!), so I hope they'll have time to enter as well!

rules, mod, much/allan 2009

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