Spread the Love, Part Three

Jan 03, 2010 11:50

Title: Spread the Love
Subtitle: ...and Pass the Penicillin.
Foreign Title: How Robin Hood's Men became Merry.
Author: omteddy2006
Rating: PG-13
Words: 645
Characters: Allan, Djaq, Little John
Pairings: Djaq/Allan/Little John
Summary: Is it possible to teach an old dog new tricks? You decide.
Author's Note: Written for rh_intercomm while under the influence of a blue moon.
Credits: Beta work by wastingyourgum .




"Do you mind?" John asked, gesturing at Allan's nakedness. "I am trying to eat here."

Allan, slowly recovering from his spate of laughter, started to shiver again. "Gladly!" he replied and tiptoed back over to where Djaq stood, slightly shocked.

"John, we...we thought you were Will!" Djaq explained.

"Oh, really?" John queried mockingly, eyebrows arched and dangerously close to waggling.

Flustered even more, Djaq tried back-pedaling wildly, "It's not...We don't...What I  mean to say is..."

"I know. I know. I'm not Will. Look, I'll just leave you two...or three...alone to do whatever it is you have in mind. All I wanted was a little summat to take the edge off til mornin'... John started to shuffle away with his plate.

Feeling guilty, although not quite knowing why, Djaq called out, "John, don't be upset. It's not that...it's just...Well, we were expecting Will and you startled us."

Allan, who had wriggled back under the covers behind Djaq, added, "Yeah, John. You scared the pants right off of me!" When he laughed at his own joke, Djaq elbowed him in the ribs.

"Look, you don' have to explain. I know that 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks.' I'll be fine."

Allan and Djaq exchanged a curious look, then turned their smiling faces back to their friend and mentor and the resident "old dog". Quickly, Allan called out, "Would you like to learn some new tricks, John?"

The biggest outlaw stopped in his tracks, but did not turn around. Were they having a go at his expense? What game were they playing? He slowly turned his head. Smiling back at him were two people he trusted and loved and knew quite well. He recognized the expression they both shared. The exuberance, the excitement, and the adrenaline were all there. He saw that look every time Robin came up with one of his wild plans to "invade" Nottingham castle or ambush a wealthy merchant or sneak into Knighton Hall to see Marian. Actually, it reminded him of the latter situation most of all. And, in all his recollections, John could never recall seeing that look on any of the gang's faces while they were naked.

"You can't be serious," said John.

"C'mon, John. Share a nice warm blankie with a couple of close friends!" Allan invited, as he threw open the coverlet exposing Djaq to the cool night air and John's widening eyes.

John smirked. "I wasn't talking to you, Allan." He looked into Djaq's dark, intense eyes and knew she would not lie to him. She would not let him look foolish.

"It's okay, John. Who knows? You might even like it."

John found that he did like it. In fact, he liked it very much. It was much easier to warm themselves when naked skin was pressed up against naked skin; the heat of each other's bodies seemed to meld into one big ball of warmth. He loved how soft Djaq's petite frame felt tucked up under his massive arms; her head tucked under his chin. It was much preferably to the angular bits and pieces of Allan that were warming themselves against his backside. John felt something that was neither elbow nor knee jab him in the buttock.

"Allan!" he spat under his breath.

"Sorry, Big Man. Lots of moving and rubbing to stay warm. It couldn't be helped."

"Will you ever stop?" he asked sarcastically.

"I certainly hope not!" Allan retorted. "And, don't sell yourself short, John. You are a handsome man!"

"That's it! You are moving!" John pushed against Allan knocking him out of the bunk and onto the hard-packed dirt floor of the camp. Amongst Allan's protests, John commanded, "Get in on the other side of Djaq!"

"Alright. Alright!" Allan quickly slid back underneath the covers next to Djaq who squeezed further into John's bear hug.


Part Four is posted here.

intercomm, char: allan, char: little john, fic, ficlet, char: djaq, author: omteddy2006, rating: pg-13

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