Title: A Long Walk Back
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Allan, Will
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes walking with a friend is enjoyable, other times ....
Disclaimer:The Robin Hood characters written about here belong to Tiger Aspect and the British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor is any money being made. I don't own them - if I did I'd be too busy drooling to write! All mistakes are mine.
The winter sun had seemed particularly keen to sleep this evening, quickly pulling its blanket of darkness over the land. Just visible in the twilight gloom, two figures made their way along the forest road, one clearly happier than the other.
"You can sulk as long as you like," said Will, "Robin told me to get you before sunset, and that's what I did. Why are you so miserable? I don't get it."
"An' neither will I," replied Allan, "thanks to you. I was workin' me magic on Martha when you barged in. An' I won't get another chance there.”