Nov 12, 2009 00:13
It seems like everyone is in the same predicament. Everyone hates this city and is getting stuck here while the world moves on with out them. Yeah this city isn't the greatest, I hate it here, but honestly what have you done to get yourselves into the position your in? Was it because you didn't give a fuck in high school, so you didn't make the grades to go to college? Maybe it was that you didn't even look at colleges or apply. Maybe you dropped out. Is it that you are too lazy to go to work? You'd rather just live at home and do nothing. Maybe you would like to have a job, but you can't stop doing drugs for a few weeks to pass a drug test. What if you have a job? Where are you spending all that money? If you are still living at home, you surely don't buy too much food. Ok so you pay for gas, if you have a car. What about saving some of the money you make instead of blowing it all on some useless crap that is not needed. Don't go out to eat everyday and get drunk all the time. Quit smoking. Save up some money and look at out of state jobs or see about getting into school. Get the hell out of here. Yeah it will be hard. Sacrificing a little now, and it wouldn't honestly take long if everyone had some initiative, would benefit so much in such a short amount of time. I don't even think anyone realizes this. If you're unhappy with the way things are, you can change them. Even a town a few hours away is such a refreshing feeling. It's a new start. It can be hard, but hating something so much and letting it wear you down is the worst thing ever. I relate. This place is a black hole. That may entail leaving everyone and everything behind, maybe that's what's holding everyone back. Everyone is afraid that they might have to be grown up enough to just walk away to start something new.
At this point, if you are waiting on a miracle or something to changes with out any effort, it will not.
As far as the people/friend situation
Interests change
People move
People do shitty things to each other
People lose touch
that's just what happens
Can't say I love it, like it, hate it, or even dislike it.
I like Memphis, it's dirty and southern.
Saw some hookers, drank on Beale St, listened to some good blues, looked at some schools, saw an old professor man sculpt clay boobs, just enjoyed being in a big unfamiliar city.