It's no coincidence that on a day like yesterday, when I was hating school, that I got nice note from
mandylyn thanking me for the graduation flowers I sent her. In the note, she says she hopes she can offer me as much support as I finish my program as I offered her through hers. Yeah, I'm going to need that.
Speaking of coincidence, there was a flier on my door this evening announcing a Jehovah's Witness revival at the Tucson Convention Center the weekend after July 4. It reminded me of something that happened right after Mom died.
A few days after her funeral, I was sitting at the house with Dad when a little old woman and a young black man knocked on the door. Dad answered and the woman asked if she could speak to June. Dad told her that she had just passed away. The woman looked very surprised. She explained that she was with the church and they had called on Mom a few weeks ago. Mom had told them that she was too busy taking care of her sick husband to talk and asked them to come back in a few weeks.
Dad was never sick. Mom just said that to get rid of them. Hence the church lady's surprise at finding Mom had died and Dad was in perfect health. It's kind of dark humor but that story has always cracked me up because it was just like Mom to do something like that.
Anyway, the church people stopped by at least once more while I was there. They were very nice and not at all pushy about it. They dropped off some pamphlets about dealing with the loss of a loved one, which I read and found oddly comforting even though I don't for a minute believe we'll all end up living in a golden city with Jesus and such.