Okay, so to those who keep track of Chapel Hill area news better than I, this probably comes as no surprise. a few days ago, I called my parents to talk with them, and they threw this lil' piece of news out at me.
Carrboro High School HOLY CRAP!!! I had no clue they were building a new high school. I mean I knew it was coming, lord knows CHHS was overcrowded as it was when we left. But I totally wasn't ready for it. All I keep thinking about is how if this had happened when we were kids, half of us would have gone to Carrboro and half would have gone to Chapel Hill. That's sucha scary thought!! I always liked the idea that when you went to the next school, you wouldn't lose any of your friends. Other than Erin for a year. Wow. I bet it'll be a damn good high school though. I can see the Chapel Hill-Carrboro rivalry happening already in my mind.
"we're more liberal!"
"no, we are!"
"we have avant garde performances, student groups and teachers, and were one of the top 10 schools in the wall street journal!"
"we have cooler gay people!"
"Our average gpa is 4.5!"
"All the food in our cafeteria is organic!"
"we made inmate t-shirts!"