Last weekend, knowing that Andy and Christina were leaving in August for grad school in NY, and knowing that Martha would be leaving in August for Prague, and having told everybody I'd do this almost a month ago, I went and looked at some apartments. Two-bedroom jobbies, for me and Joseph. (Talk of moving into a three- or four-room deal with some more friends didn't pan out, possibly for the best.)
Last Saturday I looked at two places. One was decent, on Taylor, but it was company-run and it was a little spendy with all its fees and deposits. The other was marginally better, and near Mississippi and Fremont areas, with off-street parking and a hot new kitchen and washer-dryer units inside the apartment. So I said, yeah, we can apply for that one.
I applied for one place. I called my current landlord and closed the chapter on
1844, giving extended notice. Less than twenty-four hours later, having applied to one place, I have a new home. This Sunday (before the holy-shit last episode of Lost) I go over and solidify the deal. Just like that. Boom.
So I'll be eating double rent for a month, paying for June at the
new place and the old, but that means I'll be able to move in more relaxedly, which is a good thing since June is the Melissa-Goes-to-Sundance month, where I have to fill in for a month as coordinator, working batshit hours and being batshit busy. If I hadn't got this place, I have no idea what I would do.
So I have a new place lined up already, lickety split. Oh, and I've been easing back into a habit of gym-going again. I've managed every other day this week for just over an hour. It's a start.
I figured out a main plot for Dogsview Ln. and have been working toward a complete outline. This week's been reasonably busy but this weekend I'm dedicating tomorrow and most of Sunday to Writing Time, to finish that preliminary outline and start working toward a more concrete scene structure and ultimately, pages. The bad news is, I'm almost definitely going to have to wait until next summer (2011) to shoot this... well, I guess that gives me a year to gather resources and raise the heaping pile of money I'm going to need. I should start looking for a producer now.
So that's about it. New place, back to the gym, working on the horror script my mother hates, preparing for a crazy month at work.
There ya go. An update.