Gene Fowler once said that writing is easy, just a matter of staring at the blank page until your forehead bleeds.
-- excerpt from Robert McKee's Story
Well shit.
Friday I went down after work and hung with the family. Didn't get home until late. So nothing then.
Saturday I got up and had lunch with Kelly, then went and saw Adventureland, then moped around downtown for three or four hours thinking about lost love -- I mean really moping. My emo-est day in a long time. (I almost blogged about it. I have a feeling it may yet come out as a ranty cathartic post.) Then I went home and moped some more. Then I watched A Simple Plan to take my mind off the moping and put it back on the genre storytelling, but still nothing.
Today I got up and had lunch with Rachel, then came home and watched some Futurama and tried to settle in to write. I read about writing. I wrote notes about writing. I started, deleted, restarted, deleted again, re-restarted the stupid gas station/meetup scene (which no longer takes place in a gas station). But really? I'm one scene back from before the weekend, not including that I came up with a minimum of three more necessary scenes between where I am now and what I imagined to be the next scene (and the end of Act One). So I'm further from my goal than ever!
And still I'm up against a wall.
In an attempt to salvage the weekend a little, I did manage to go workout tonight. So, the gym rhythm can at least pick up. That'd be nice.
But seriously. Writing Group is Tuesday this week and I really, really wanted to have a complete Act One for it. Fuck.
In other news, want to see two images I think are neat?
I knew if I told you they were NSFW, you'd click. These pictures have nothing to do with anything, except I thought they were neat and I found them on the internet (which is where you find neat stuff).
An old-timey
map of Mars.
The coolest use I've seen yet of that airbrushing-naked-ladies trend.
Okay. That's all. Back to staring at that page until my forehead bleeds.