despair may june july hope

Jun 06, 2008 00:20

Today was long at Laika. I stayed until 9:45 to get a job sent out, and problems arose that were outside my control (and outside my expertise to foresee) and it was stressful. I feel I kept my cool and handled it reasonably well, all told, but we missed a Fedex deadline (by several hours) and I guess hundreds of extra dollars had to be forked out to special delivery the package. It's kind of a big deal (to Laika... it's not like something random people would be excited about), and I really wish I could say more but I probably can't. Anyway, like I say: even if I did give details, people would only just go, "Oh, neat," at best. Still, it was fun to be a part of it and I truly hope it wasn't all in vain.

But after 11 hours of Final Cut Pro and Compressor, I had to come here to the studio where I have to run Final Cut Pro and Compressor. I was hoping to get the energy/inspiration to throw together some kind of a montage, rather than actually show my current edit(s) of Open at tomorrow's Wrap Party, but I had to succumb. Even though I've got two pages of notes about changes that these cut(s) need badly, I'll be showing my crap edits to the crew and they can finally, at last, see what they put so much work into for me. Unfortunately, I know already that Jon, Jess and Gilberto will miss out on the fun. Probably others, but I don't know who.

Living With Your Parents is bad for the ego, bad for the spirit, bad for the creative soul, and bad for the motivation. But doing it and working 40 hour weeks (actually this week I'm already at 36.5: by the end of tomorrow I'll be getting overtime!) is especially draining. I can't tell how much of it is the dead-end house-hunt, or my no-money poor-health poor-lifestyle no-home no-love situation, or how much of it is just plain and simple loneliness, but this has not been my best month, May. Started out promising. Slipped.

June: might be more of the same.

July, baby, my eyes are set on you.

home, open, laika, inane, filmnerd, job

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