Astoria; I Need A Vacation

Nov 26, 2013 12:34

His office was still buzzing with the latest Prophet article. Travis couldn't leave his desk with out somebody coming up to his, asking if he knew Lavender or any of the previous victims. That was the downside of being one of the youngest members of firm. Everyone assumed he knew what was going on in the world. Didn't they know Travis kept a much smaller circle of friends?

The fact that Travis did know all the victims was besides the point. He was trying not to think about it too much. They had all been Gryffindors - staples of his childhood. Every since his first year, Travis remembered seeing each of those faces around the common room. Oliver had been their quidditch captain and Travis had spent a considerable amount of time with him (even though ninety percent of his quidditch career had been spent on the sidelines). And it was almost unheard of to see Parvati without Lavender stapled to her hip.

Of course Travis knew the victims. He was just trying not to think so hard about it.

When his lunch hour came, he left the building. As he stepped outside into the crisp November air, he made the decision that he would not be returning. His meeting were done for the day and he had meant what he said the Jake the night before - they needed some time away.

Instead of his usual spot, Travis swung a left at the corner. He needed something new and different today. Everything was feeling worn out and tired to him. It was frustrating.

It was late in the afternoon, after a few hours of aimless wondering to clear his head, when Travis found a place he could settle on. It was definitely higher in class than he was used to but Travis was still in his best suit from his meetings and decided he'd fit right now.

But before going in, he leaned against the building. The cool air was clearing his head and he needed another stog.
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