So I downloaded this Life on Mars vid way back in November, and I only got around to watching it last night. It's set to "1973", by James Blunt, and I suppose if you know the song, you can make a good guess at the contents of the vid. But I didn't know the song, and the vidder inconsiderately did not smack a warning on it saying "THIS VIDEO WILL RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND LEAVE YOU BLEEDING ON THE SIDEWALK", so I was COMPLETELY UNPREPARED.
Go on. Watch it. *sniff* Misery loves company! I don't remember specific clips, but there are some A2A scenes, so I'm gonna be safe and say there are SPOILERS for the end of LoM and you should NOT WATCH if you haven't seen all the way through.
1973 And then you can come back and console me.