is there such a thing as couchlag?

Sep 08, 2008 00:42

Moving gets me all out of sorts. I keep thinking there's something else I have to do before I go to sleep, some reason why I have to stay up, and there really isn't. Yeah, the place isn't all unpacked and set to order yet, but even if it was, I would still be feeling this way. And I'll probably feel this way off and on until it's all unpacked and my new roommate moves in. It's kind of like jetlag, for furniture arranging. ._.

I haven't changed apartments or anything, but since I had all my stuff packed up in the bathroom, and furniture brought in a U-haul by my parents, and the magic and joy of hauling a couch and a cabinet up the stairs and around a corner, it firecracking counts as moving. Why all this? I DID IT ALL FOR THE CARPET.

I HAVE NEW CARPET. So, so stoked about this, and I love it- it's pretty (rosy beige), it's soft, the place SMELLS CLEAN, no more God-knows-how-many pet stains from six years of my last roommate's peeing and puking cat. No more naked spots from her clawing-and-tearing cat. Here's hoping my roommate-to-be's kitten is not destructive, but you know what? It's a kitten. Even as a teenager-cat, I can school a kitten. Spray bottle, thy name is vengeance. >:3

Now all I need is a vacuum cleaner, so I can cope with my own horrifically-shedding cat. Who is missing all the moving joy, as she's still at my parents'.

events, pets, rl, 5things, housing, roommates

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