You'll die from an Unlikely Illness (like the plague).
You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.
'How will you die?' at So, by being left of the middle line, does that mean that I'm going to be dying anytime soon? I sure hope not! I WOULD like to experience being 30 for a little bit anyway. So thankfully my birthday is coming up in, oh... 10 days! Woo woo!
I need to keep this short because I have a lot of stuff to do, and not a lot of time, but things have been crazy busy here, hence why I haven't been updating. It's midterm at school, and I had a midterm (take home) due last Friday in Psychopathology, and then a book report, and presentation due in my Schools class. Due to my terrible procrastination skills, I got 1 hour of sleep Monday night. And about 5 1/2 Sunday night. I'm still pretty tired, even though I slept really well last night.
Dan and I are off to Chicago today to visit my friend Bubba, her husband, and 2 girls. I'm super excited to see them all, and to go to Chicago. I've driven through, but haven't ever stopped. We'll be gone until this Saturday, and then we'll be going out for dinner with Heather and Andy Saturday night (Heather's birthday is 8 days after mine, so it's our birthday celebration)..
Then, on Tuesday, 3/6, Dan and I are heading down to Phoenix. I am thrilled that I get the spend the big 3-0 with Jason, and I cannot wait to see him! We'll be down there until Monday, 3/12. Unfortunately, I'll be missing my psychopathology class, but I found extremely cheap airfare to Phoenix, and couldn't pass it up. Ce la vie...
Anyway, I have to get going. I still have a ton of stuff to due... I'm going to try and update between Chicago/Phoenix, just so I won't have a monstrous post when I get back in the middle of March...