The gala for expats was Thursday night, and as always, it was amazing. Our company was featured (small clip) in a music video that played on the giant screen while Huang Ying sang 'I love you China'. Thankfully my only appearance on it was a shot of the wall that has our company photos on it - for a second you could see me and Ruthie in the top left-hand corner. That's it. For the 6 minute video they shot of us chatting in the E.L room, they only took a small clip of two teachers talking and that wall of pictures. :) I am very pleased.
The show featured a few interesting performances, as always, but my favorite was definitely the performance by Fei Xiang. I know what the wikipedia article says, but much like
angel_katchan, I do not believe that man is over 50. I would however, like for him to read me the phone book. With his hair down.
Look at him! Yea GODS!
He sang the song (kinda titled) 'Legend'. Apparently he sang it a few years ago but it was made famous by another Chinese artist named Wong Fei (I may have spelled that wrong). His new version apparently is very popular and is playing on the radios and in shops here CONSTANTLY. :)
......he canNOT be FIFTY!
Went out tonight with E, Nic, Kat and the Chibi. We went to Malones for dinner and drinks and had a great time. I ordered a Dragon shot (made with rum instead of vodka, love the bartender for humoring me) and it wound up being an order of 10 shots (apparently you can only order 'Dragon's in bulk). Well, the four of us downed them all and then E and Nic ordered a second round to share. Between them and the Very Berry Jerry's, my feet were nice and fuzzy. Felt like a codeine buzz. :)
JO! If you read this - our band is still alive! They changed the guitar player, and there's 5 of them now, but the lead singer is still the same, and as far as I can tell, so is the drummer. They sound better than ever! When we go back, we're making reservations right in front of the stage and we'll go later so we can enjoy the music longer.
....follow-up to the Ru-poo-splosion....she seems to be much better now. Poor muppet. She was not a happy girl for a few days.
Am watching BBC's Sherlock. I bought Season 1 a few weeks ago but haven't gotten around to it. Lately though,
foolish_m0rtal has been raving about it and I got curious. :) Um, can I just say, I love it? Like, lots? WHY did I wait so long to watch this? I have got to download Season 2. Oh my God. These two are adorable.
OH - IKEA DELIVERED! Hee! Apparently it was quite an ordeal. The first time the guy showed up, there was an issue about him installing the DVD shelves. He had to make a return trip after the landlady confirmed we would not hit wires on the one wall or the other. But they're up and they look really interesting. :)
Lastly, I am OFF! I don't go back to work until February first! YAY!
......though I do need to go back for one day on either Monday or Tuesday to gather some documents for orientation purposes. Ah well.
Happy Spring Festival to everyone!