Nov 13, 2010 20:42
Apparently artists are in short supply in Shanghai. ^^
We're developing a new course for pre-K and they needed a book written and illustrated by Friday afternoon. I spent the week staying up until midnight drawing, inking, scanning and coloring 6 pages for the workbook. Success! It was ready, and the R&D team got it put together and printed and bound by 10am this morning - when the first day of class began. If nothing else, we (meaning the R&D team and the TD) are learning to work fast under pressure!
I am so far behind on Nano again. *sigh* But I have pics from the Halloween Party last week that need to go up. That's a plus. :D
Scenes from the G7 Seed Class:
We were making up a resume for Harry Potter. We got to the part about 'Work Experience':
M: "Well, what did he do in the books and how can we turn that into jobs?"
Neil: "Stone Finder!"
Betty: "He fought the bad teacher."
Neil: "Teacher killer!"
Hallen: "He protected the Stone."
Neil: "Stone Protector!"
M: "Can we pick one job?"
Neil: "Stone Protector Teacher Killer!"
Happy: *laughing* "I don't think that is a good name for a job."
Johnny:*holds out a paper 'resume'* "Hello, I am a teacher-killer."
Hallen: "You can't work here! No killers thank you."
...we wound up going to Stone Protector for the first year. ^^
Scenes from the Grade 6 Class:
We were looking at a PPT of different cars based on names and discussing why they had those names. Cars different students liked were claimed with shouts of 'That's my car!" Then came a picture of a yellow Lamborghini.
Tony2: "That's my car!"
Frank: "Me too!"
Jane: That car is ugly. It looks like a monster!"
Frank and Tony2: *spin around at the exact same time*: "You no say about my car!" *immediately stare at each other in surprise*
Class: *starts howling*
*looking at a picture of the Luv truck from the 70's*
M: why do you think it's called the 'Luv?"
Jason: "It have 2 seats, must sit together and --* clasps hands and makes kissy noises*
In other news, Shady is freshly vaccinated and is ready to be adopted. Cougar is going to Adoption Day too, but I don't think it will go well. He panics when he leaves the house, and AD is just too many people for him to adjust to. *sigh*