La la la.
It’s 1:30AM and I want to be goofy and silly and savor the last hours of the weekend.
Maybe I’ll just stay up until morning listening to the songs from Life on repeat. Yes, they are that good. I want to marry whoever chooses the songs for each episode, especially because each song works so well for the emotional signature of every scene that they play during. How is everyone not in love with this show?
My major accomplishments of the night:
heroes_femslash: pretty much open for business, now. My lovely co-mod
weirdofromafar help me put together
a masterlist of all the Heroes femmeslashy stuff we could track down through other communities, and that’s sort of the last thing I was waiting on before cutting the tape.
The community itself looks as ugly as all get-out because I just, ARGH, me and CSS are not getting along right now. I have immense levels of hatred for the Expressive layout at the moment. And the new tiny CSS customization box. Why so small and practically useless?
But it’s got rules and a(n overcomplicated, haha) tag system and I feel pretty damn accomplished. \o/
I also re-did all my
icon keywords, but I don’t like them. Woe. /o\ And it takes a surprisingly long time to re-name that many icons.
Things that are amusing or happymaking:
The iTunes Live Sessions Panic! songs. Ugh, Brendon’s voice sounds almost disgustingly good in them. I was also really tickled to discover that the part during Heroes, where I thought I was hearing Brendon’s voice? I wasn’t just imagining that! For awhile I thought I’d been listening to so much Panic! that I was just starting to transpose Brendon’s voice onto any somewhat-similar sounding voice I heard.
And I worked a school dance the other night (oh, yeah, I work with youth, by the way) and totally sang along with every Fall Out Boy song out DJ played. The part that was amusing was that I think I knew more of the words than some of the kids there. OH, TEENS, SO CUTE.
tinheart: Kensei = both jealous and enduringly vindictive.
tinheart: My boyfriend doesn't believe killing Kaito was personal. But if it wasn't, why not have Maury do it?
tinheart: He thinks Adam is over his "I will lay to waste everything you love" thing. But I don't. True love waits 400 years to murder your father.
This Adrian/Milo interview, which I’m sure you’ve all seen already, but, wow. In love much, guys?
here, also passed on to me by
tinheart. Bell: Hayden has the most level head of any 18-year-old I’ve ever met. She’s handling her fame with real grace, isn’t she? I couldn’t do what she does.
Panettiere: Oh, thanks. I had you as a role model. [She reaches over and caresses Bell’s face tenderly and they laugh like crazy] Kristen, how long are you signed with Heroes?
Panettiere: [Perking up] Yeah, how long?
Bell: Hayden just wants to know because she likes to cradle my face.
Panettiere: That’s an inside a joke. About…?
Panettiere: About, uh, something interesting….
Bell: We can’t say. [They are called to return to the set]
Panettiere: Did we actually do an interview here?
Bell: It was more like a non-interview. I feel like we should have been telling information about the show as opposed to revealing that we cradle each other’s faces.
And, here, while I’m babbling about Heroes, have a few pretty caps from the pilot, eh?
Original screencaps by
I was trying to make icons from those, but couldn’t get the resolution to work for me. :-/ They kept looking really weird when I re-sized them. But I couldn’t resist vintage!cab!Mohinder pretty, mmmm.
And some other random links I’ve been hoarding in private posts:
Brotherhood II pimp post (a cheesy but slashtastic movie) by
Hidden Frontier pimp (a fan-made Star Trek series featuring canonically queer characters) by
Thoughts on Scott Summers by
likeadeuce *
There are like five hundred asterisks in this post. And, hey, look! I killed a half hour putting that all together. I am that much closer to my goal of a random and silly night.
Oh, wait!
I can’t forget these. I got presents, and presents which are too awesome not to share.
Untitled Pete/Ryan commentfic in which
murklins has Ryan Ross using the word awesomesauce in a non-sardonic context. If I try to say anything else I’ll devolve into a flood of capslock. Basically, you need to read this right now and plead along with me for her to write more.
panda_bear_inc, a fellow femmeslash fan,
made an awesome Buffy/Faith fanvid to help give me an idea of all their delicious subtext. Mmmmmmmmsubtext.
Okay, now I really will back away from this post. o_O There are way too many a hrefs in it.