Oct 17, 2007 19:04
im·bri·ca·tion /ˌɪmbrɪˈkeɪʃən/ [im-bri-key-shuhn] -noun
1. an overlapping, as of tiles or shingles. 2. a decoration or pattern resembling this.
3. Surgery. overlapping of layers of tissue in the closure of wounds or in the correction of defects. 4. Geology. shingling.
im·bri·cate (ĭm'brĭ-kāt') adj. Having regularly arranged, overlapping edges, as roof tiles or fish scales. verb. im·bri·cat·ed, im·bri·cat·ing, im·bri·cates
verb, tr. To overlap in a regular pattern.
verb, intr. To be arranged with regular overlapping edges.
[Latin imbricātus, covered with roof tiles, from imbrex, imbric-, roof tile, from imber, imbr-, rain.]
How to Play
The challenge is: write something that a) uses this word, or b) is inspired by this word (thematically, literally, whatever). Any length, any rating, any fandom/original, any variation/stem of the word, linked or in the comment itself. Enter as many times as you like-the only rule is that you have to write something new. These posts never close, just accumulate, so if any of the previous posts tickle your muse, responses are welcome at any time.
(vocabulary soup)