No, really. I *never* stop organizing.

Oct 13, 2007 01:54

I like to tag according to tiers (even though the LiveJournal system apparently HATES this concept and makes it as difficult as possible to do so).

So, let’s hypothetically say I’m in the midst of re-organizing the tags of two communities. And that I’m tiering the tag systems according to content. These (completely hypothetical) communities have a mixture of content, and so I’m trying to do thus:

Make larger high-level tags, like all media (vid&graphics) and then have lower tiers to delimit smaller categories, like graphics and then graphics: icons, etc.

Here’s my burning question: I want to make separate top level tags for all media (vid&graphics) and another for all fanwork. I don’t want them to excessively overlap (that defeats the purpose), but I’m having trouble because in my mind, fan-made graphics fit both under the all media and all fanwork-they’re fanart but they’re also graphics.

Um. Help?

Poll If one is forced to categorize icons/banners/backgrounds/headers/etc.

eta: But I’m thinking fanvids really do have to go in both all fanwork and all media. Trying to choose between those doth hurt my brain.

eta: the sequel: BWAHAHAHAHA. I think I just foiled my own system. I decided that maybe graphics: fanart: icons ad nauseam made the most sense. And I’ll just pretend that I intended overlap from the start. My cackle of evil glee, let me show you it. (Though I still think it’s interesting to see whether people consider icons graphics or art, if they’re forced to choose.)

thinky: poll, content: poll, thinky, thinky: formatting, ~organization is my fandom

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