alice in wonderland returns..

Dec 17, 2011 11:00

Hey there, and welcome back to my new graphic enterprise! 
Since I love spending my spare time hanging out with Photoshop's colors and stuff like that (and since I love editing photos too) I decided to begin this new adventure, hoping that someone will find this helpful. I will post here some coloring tutorials, and of course I will post for each tutorial a .psd file which can be downloaded 24h/24 from my megaupload account.
All I'm asking for, please, are credits (a linkback to my journal in your resource list will make my day!) and of course comments.I really love comments, and I read all of them, even if I can't answer to you all. Anyway, the main rule will be: no one of these tutorials will ever end up with a good result with all of the images in the world! The point is that you can try to apply some of these psd files to an image that is completely different from the image I've used,but it may happen that the coloring doesn't match with those different colors.
All right then. Let's create something colorful and let's begin with the tutoooriaaal :D

{ created a psd map page! so you won't get lost anymore // look's what's new, guys :)
Today we will see how to spread pink, orange and blue colors from a medium dark screenshot. I used this screenshot, but I really don't remember where it comes from.

So the tutorial will show how to transform the screenshot from this:

to this:

1. Let's open our base in Photoshop (File > Open)

2. All right, people, let me say only one thing before we start the tutorial. This will of course help you to spread some vivid colors from a dark screenshot, but it may not help you with every type of image! Our base, for example, is pretty dark and it seems not to have skin colors, and tones are really flat: this is an example of the perfect base for this coloring. You can try to apply this one on a vibrant picture, but you'll definetely need to adjust the layers, since it will spread too much colors. And in the end it will be a crap. So pay attention with your base, ok? Well, let's start, then. Let's start with the most important step in a colorig: duplicate your base image, but this time duplicate it twice, and set both copies to Screen.

3. It seems that our screenshot is too illuminated now, but that's what we needed, since bright colors will help us through the following steps. Let's take our magical Selective Coloring tool, and let's try to give some brand new tones to this picture:
   reds: -100 | +45 | +29 | +89
   yellows: -100 | +29 | +56 | +73
   greens: -100 | +100 | -100 | 0
   cyan: +100 | +16 | -45 | +13
   whites: 0 | 0 | 0 | +70
   neutrals: -11 | +14 | -14 | 0
   blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | +17

4. Our colors finally came to life. We have just spread some vivid colors such as oranges, yellows and pink tones. Some blue is already painted on the background, so we're happy with that, aren't we? Now we can mess around with the lightning: what about creating a new lightning point with a yellow tone? This will revitalize our base.
   Layer > New fill layer > Solid color > #fff000
set this layer to Soft light > 25% (opacity)

5. We added a new lightning to the image, but we definetely need to bring some blue and orange tones back, so let's take our Selective Coloring again and let's try to balance our colors with care:
   reds: -53 | +25 | +54 | +10
   yellows: +39 | +62 | 25 | 0
   greens: +100 | +100 | -100 | 0
   cyan: +92 | +19 | -85 | 0
   blue: +57 | -22 | -100 | +17
   neutrals: +33 | +11 | -19 | 0
   blacks: 0 | 0 | 0 | -15

6. We're almost done with this coloring: the following two steps are the perfect ending for our image, and they will give to our tones the final touch for a very colorful view. Let's take the Color Balance tool, and let's add a little pink.
   midtones: -15 | +11 | 0
   shadows: -7 | -8 | -7
   lights: 0 | 0 | +21
set this layer to 48% (opacity)

7. The last step, guys. Pay attention 'cause this is really really important: let's go back to the beginning, and let's take a look to the outcome, it's the second image I posted before the tutorial. If you look carefully you can see that some parts get a little pixelated, and that's because of the image quality: we can fix that with a gradient, which will soften some of these imperfections. If they're still visible, you can simply try to blur them with the respective tool.
   Layer > New fill layer > Gradient
this is a stamp of mine to see how exactly you have to set your options (it's in italian, but still pretty understable)
set this layer to Exclusion > 75%

And you're done!
WARNING: OKAY, THAT'S REALLY ANNOYING! Why do people keep downloading my resources without even leaving a reply? I'm, not asking too much, just a comment to let me know that you're downloading my resources! I don't mind if you're a thief, as long as I'm thinking about protecting my files AGAIN! And the next time will be the last! There will be no more free download links on my journal: textures, psds and resources will be protected! You get nothing for nothing, right? Well, you definetely won't. I'm tired of seeing tens of downloads and only a few comments on my journal. I'm asking for some fucking money or what?
Here's the link for this .psd.
I hope you'll really enjoy this, since it will be the last for everyone: from now on, I'll take several measures.

coloring tutorial/psd

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