coyote ugly.

Dec 13, 2011 14:19

Hey there, and welcome back to my new graphic enterprise! 
Since I love spending my spare time hanging out with Photoshop's colors and stuff like that (and since I love editing photos too) I decided to begin this new adventure, hoping that someone will find this helpful. I will post here some coloring tutorials, and of course I will post for each tutorial a .psd file which can be downloaded 24h/24 from my megaupload account.
All I'm asking for, please, are credits (a linkback to my journal in your resource list will make my day!) and of course comments.I really love comments, and I read all of them, even if I can't answer to you all. Anyway, the main rule will be: no one of these tutorials will ever end up with a good result with all of the images in the world! The point is that you can try to apply some of these psd files to an image that is completely different from the image I've used,but it may happen that the coloring doesn't match with those different colors.
All right then. Let's create something colorful and let's begin with the tutoooriaaal :D

{ created a psd map page! so you won't get lost anymore // look's what's new, guys :)
Today we will see how to create some yellow and pink colors, underneath a light gray lightning, from a medium dark screenshot. I used this screenshot from

So the tutorial will show how to transform the screenshot from this:

to this:

1. Let's open our base in Photoshop (File > Open)

2. All right, here we are! Our screenshot is perfect for any type of coloring, since it's not so dark, and it's not so light too. We're going to have some fun with this! Anyway, duplicate your base, as always, and set it to Screen. Duplicate your screened layer again, and that's it! We have the perfect base for our coloring! Yay!

3. What will be our next step? Well, as I just said, this will be the perfect screenshot for any type of coloring, so we can torture it a little more. This is very important: do you want bright colors? Illuminate your base, then! We're going to give a new, briiiight lightning to our screenshot, okay? So let's take our Exposure tool.
   Layers > New adjustment layer > Exposure
+0,43 | +0,0646 | 1,00
ew, this is sooo bright! Lightning replaced all of the colors! Don't you remember what I always say? Our tones are still there, they're just covered by this layer: we're gonna bring them back in a minute.

4. Since this exposure took away all of our colors, we can start to think about the main tones that will show up in our coloring. So, what about a pink adjustment, for first? Let's take our Color Balance tool, and set something like this:
   midtones: +11 | -28 | -57
   shadows: +24 | -42 | -36
   lights: -17 | +4 | +15
Woha, we can see just a bright screenshot with one, only, main tone! This pretty sucks, I know. Don't panic, we're about to create a new lightning on that, with a lot of new colors which will be pretty brilliant, too.

5. We're going to create several shadow tones, now, with a gradient.
    Layer > New fill layer > Gradient
this is a stamp of mine to see how exactly you have to set your options (it's in italian, but still pretty understable)
set this layer to Color Burn > 100%
We made it! Do you see those yellow and dark pink (almost brown) colors? These will be the main tones of our coloring :)

6. We just have to brighten our existent colors, since they're all there, waiting for our adjustment. So let's take the Selective Coloring tool and set something like this:
   reds: -100 | +5 | +34 | +21
   yellows: -54 | -22 | +62 | +5
   greens: +96 | +100 | +100 | +14
   magentas: +100 | +36 | -100 | -2
   whites: -100 | 0 | 0 | 0
   neutrals: +43 | +20 | -54 | -4

7. That's great, we have our brilliant colors, now. We're about to be done, but the following two steps will give to the coloring the final touch: what about brighten those tones up again?
   Level > New fill layer > Solid color > #fa6969
set this layer to Soft light > 32% and don't panic, since our image may pixelate a little. We can adjust that with the last step.

8. As I just said, we can adjust our image, which may pixelate with all these bright colors, by adding a final gradient which will render as a soft grey shade. Follow me through this step:
   Layer > New fill layer > Gradient
this is a stamp of mine to see how exactly you have to set your options (it's in italian, but still pretty understable)
set this layer to Luminosity > 40%

And you're done!
WARNING: I'm telling you that I'm not gonna protect my files anymore. In the previous posts I experimented that it's a very sad thing asking for some comments, so feel free to download this psd (this means that you won't need any password). But if you just follow this tutorial, or if you're downloading the psd could you please, please let me know? It's always frustrating when you know that there's a lot of people appreciating your tribute, but nobody's telling you.
Here is the link for this .psd, anyway: thanks for understanding!

coloring tutorial/psd

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