Well, all the cool kids are doing it ;)

Sep 10, 2009 18:58

Name: Claire, TheSummoningDark (the_summoning_d)

Contact: transwarpbeam (AIM), thesummoningdark@hotmail.com (email & MSN)

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Age: 19. Chronologically, anyway. I flatter myself that I am wise beyond my years ;)

Background: I'm a student at Glasgow University, in the second year of a Masters in Engineering (Yes - I'm a Scottish engineer. Appropriate, no?). In my spare time - ie, when I am neither in lectures nor online - I enjoy writing both original fic and fan fic, playing pool/poker/football, watching DVDs, and killing brain cells with alcohol. My biggest and most time-consuming hobby is Formula Student: I am a sub-team leader (driver environment) on my university's team (For those not in the know, FS involves building an F1 racecar and competing against other universities. It's fuuuuuuun)

RPing Experience: I've been playing tabletop and computer RPGs for as long as I can remember, usually with my dad and/or brother: Lone Wolf, Bauldur's Gate, MERP, even a bit of D&D. When I was around 13 I got into online text-based RP (and incidentally, fanfic) via the now-defunct Maximum Ride fansite. I was a godawful Suethor, of course, but weren't we all at that age... ;) Since then I've participated in the odd RP - lately spontaneous Lie to Me RPs on MSN, and I played Mr. Pink on a Reservoir Dogs RP. And since starting here, I've joined Maddy's Gallileo RP over on IJ as Uhura.

Fandom(s): Oh god, where to begin? TV: House MD, Stargate (SG1 and SGA), Lie to Me, M*A*S*H, Supernatural, Magnificent Seven, Blake's 7, Firefly, BtVS/Angel, Doctor Who/Torchwood. Books: Discworld, HP, LotR, anything by James Barclay, Edge Chronicles, and too many to list that I love but haven't written for. Movie: too many to list - STXI, obviously. And probably a whole lot more I'm forgetting right now.

What do you like about this fandom? My memories of TOS are patchy at best - it's been a loooong time. But specifically the fandom, I love because there seems to be almost no wank, and everyone's friendly (Unlike certain fandoms I could name *cough*SPN*cough*). It's such a happy fandom!

What do you like about this character? Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be Scotty when I grew up. I owe a ridiculous amount to this fictional character. My motivation to study and do well at university is that I want to one day be the hardcore awesome genius Scottish chief of engineering somewhere :D

What are your goals for this character? I want to get him settled into the crew a bit better. He joined the crew pretty late in the game, and he doesn't really know anyone. Sooo...make some acquaintances, make some friends, and maybe get some sexing up in hurr ;)

What do you ship? Everyone/Everyone else. This is my pan-fandom OTP and I'm sticking by it. Although I have difficulty shipping nu!Chekov with anyone, because my brain goes UH NO CHILD and refuses to participate in any porning. (Yes, I know nu!Chekov is only a year younger than me. Yes, I know Anton Yelchin is older than me. I've tried explaining this to my brain. It's having none of it)

Availability: Generally speaking I will be in at uni from 9am to 5pm GMT, but there are computers on-site, so I'll be on sporadically throughout this time. Other than that, if I'm conscious, I'll probably be online. If I'm not out with friends drowning my brain cells in alcohol. But I'm a poor student, so that won't be a common occurrence.

Anything Else? The pseudoscience in Trek seriously offends me. I've been trying to cobble together something resembling consistent science for warp technology, and Jesus H CHRIST the headaches! It's bloody impossible! They can't even keep their story straight in-universe! Even the MATHS doesn't make any sense, and you can make maths say some pretty outlandish things! Aargh!


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