Nov 25, 2005 00:04
Okay, I suck. I should have thought to post this on here weeks ago. Especially as I'm running one of the workshops at this event. So come on down, bring your friends and watch me fall to pieces on stage. :p
Registration is open until Monday 28th.
Please pass this information onto your LGBT or SWD Group/Society
SWD LGBT Awareness Day
Dear Officer,
The NUS Students with Disabilities (SWD) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Campaigns are proud to announce a cross-liberation event specifically examining and working on the issues that SWD LGBT students face.
While the disabled community is fighting for their relationships to be recognized and valued; the fact that these relationships being fought for could also be LGBT relationships are often neglected. Even in the LGBT Community seen by many as a liberal environment, the opposite is often the case. Disabled LGBT students face discrimination on possibly not living up to the body perfect image of the gay scene. Also, with a higher incidence of poor mental health in the LGBT community (being possibly as high as 1 in 3) means disabled LGBT students often face a dual discrimination from not just society as a whole but both the disabled and LGBT communities as well. The NUS SWD and LGBT Campaigns have long been opposed to such discrimination and have policy to actively work on SWD LGBT issues. With this in mind the campaigns have come together to hold a one day event, hence the SWD LGBT Awareness Day.
The event will be held in Coventry University Students Union on Tuesday, the 6th of December. The event is open i.e. anyone who wishes to attend the event can - both FE and HE. You do not have to self-define as SWD or LGBT or both. This decision was taken so awareness of the issues that face SWD LGBT students could not just be raised to SWD or LGBT reps but Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers or even student union Presidents as well. However, the more SWD, LGBT and SWD LGBT students who can attend the event to discuss these common issues; the better the event will be.
To ensure that the student reps get as much out of the day as possible, a booklet is being developed for delegates who sign up to the day. The aim of this booklet is to bring the student reps up to speed on the SWD and LGBT Campaigns and what each respective campaign is about. This booklet will help ensure the delegates who attend the day have a good understanding of what is being discussed.
The day itself will include workshops on issues such as LGBT mental health and plenaries on what it is like to come from two or more groups in society that face prejudice and discrimination. The day aims to prove that defining as part of two liberation campaigns is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, these cross-liberation or cross-identity issues such as defining as both SWD and LGBT should be accepted, celebrated and even celebrated with pride.
We look forward to seeing you at the event. It promises to be an interesting and exciting event. If you would like to know any more than please do get in touch.
Sian Davies
NUS SWD Officer
James-J Walsh & Kat Louis
NUS LGBT Officers