Gay Groups Unite to OpposeStripping Trans Protections

Sep 28, 2007 07:14

NEWS: Gay Groups Unite To Oppose Stripping Trans Protections From EN
Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:49 pm (PST)

http://www.365gay. com/Newscon07/ 09/092707enda. htm

Gay Groups Unite To Oppose Stripping Trans Protections From ENDA
by Newscenter Staff

Posted: September 27, 2007 - 2:30 pm ET

(Washington) Nine national LGBT organizations announced Thursday they
would fight any attempt to strip protections from the transgendered
from the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA.

The bill was introduced in Congress in April (story). If passed and
signed by the president it be illegal to fire, refuse to hire or
refuse to promote an employee based on the person's sexual
orientation or gender identity.

The nine groups were reacting to reports that a growing number of
members of Congress are quietly trying to remove references to the
transgendered in the belief the bill would have a better chance of

"Our collective position remains clear and consistent regarding the
status of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act," the groups said in
a joint press statement.

The groups include Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National Center for
Lesbian Rights, National Stonewall Democrats, National Coalition for
LGBT Health, Pride At Work (AFL-CIO), National Coalition of Anti-
Violence Projects, Mautner Project and National Center for
Transgender Equality

"Our organizations oppose the removal of protections for transgender
people from ENDA. We would also oppose any employment
nondiscrimination bill that did not protect transgender people," the
joint statement said.

While we don't doubt the sincerity of congressional leadership's
intent to take action and be helpful to the LGBT community, we cannot
disagree more with this strategy. We will continue to work with LGBT-
supportive members of Congress to urge their colleagues to
immediately drop this strategy."

Opposition to removing the transgendered from the bill also has the
support of state groups.

"Being from a state where it is still perfectly legal to fire someone
from their job because the boss does not like the way they express
their masculinity or femininity, it is absolutely imperative the
Employment Non-Discrimination Act be passed with protections based
upon gender identity," said Alan Van Capelle, the executive director
of Empire State Pride Agenda.

"We will be urging New York's Congressional Delegation not to yield
on this critical matter and to ask their colleagues to take the same

Garden State Equality also said it opposes any change to the bill.

"We are fortunate that New Jersey state law prohibits all
discrimination, employment and otherwise, against transgender
people ...[b]ut federally and in too many other states,
discrimination against the transgender community continues without
impunity," the group said in a statement.

Earlier this month a House committee heard from LGBT victims of job
discrimination. (story) It is expected the bill will come to a vote
within the next few weeks in the House.

Although most states provide job protections in 31 states, it's still
legal to fire someone because they're gay; in 39 states it is legal
to fire someone for being transgender.

© 2007

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