1848 -
Gustave CaillebotteOne of my favorite French Impressionist painters, probably because so much of his work has the feeling of a photograph (though that technology was just beginning).
1871 -
Orville Wright1/2 of the "Wright Brothers", their invention of the "three axis-control" is still used to control the balance of fixed wing aircraft.
1902 -
Ogden NashOgden wrote wonderfully playful poetry. He was a staff writer for New Yorker and published 19 books of poetry. One of my favorites:
Is dandy
But liquor
Is quicker.
1921 -
Gene RoddenberryUmm, if you didn't know... he's the creator of "Star Trek"... a "wagon-train to the stars".
"The Cage" - Star Trek Original Pilot - G. Roddenberry Intro
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1934 -
Renee Richards [Richard Rankind]Transgender pioneer, Renee was born Richard Rankind. She had sex reassignment surgery in 1975 but was initially denied entry into the 1976 U.S. Open because of a "women-born-women" policy. She took it to the New York Supreme Court and one in 1977. She eventually became Martina Navratilova's coach and guided her in two Winbledon wins.
1946 -
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton42nd president of the United States. Yay for the balanced budget and federal surplus, Boo for the "don't ask, don't tell" policy and the Lewinsky affair.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."
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1947 -
Gerald McRaneyGRRRRRRR!!!!!! I have been hot for McRaney since my first episode of "Simon and Simon" (though I didn't know why I got that "special feeling" when I watched the show). Any coincidence that his show came on right before "Magnum PI" on Thrusday nights? His character was definitely a hyper-masculine roll model for me at an impressionable age.
I'm certain that his character's truck in "Simon and Simon" is responsible for my love of "monster trucks".
Simon & Simon openings...
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"Deadwood" - George Hearst makes E.B. Farnum an offer
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