Hormones and Feelings.

Sep 05, 2011 21:41

Two weeks ago I was told that I could increase my hormone (estrogen) regime from 2mg daily to 4mg. I was also informed that because my T level was already on the low side of average that they wouldn't be considering a T-blocker until they see how the increase has affected me at my next appointment. They told me this because I asked.

Anyway, quickly became apparent that the increase screwed around with my already fragile hold on my emotional state when I took them in the morning, so I started taking them in the evening.

This leads me to ask, is there a good time or bad time of day to take your hormones?

I was told that I could take them spread out over the day, 2mg in the morning and 2mg in the evening but I'm no good at consistency and I know I'll either OD or forget. I was told there was no risks takng the 4mg all at once so that is what I have been doing.

And this leads me on to what I believe may be a result of the increase. I sure hope so because I can't relate it to anything else.

The past week has been strange. I have all the symptons of a depressed like state yet I feel no depression. I do not want leave my flat, nor my bed for that matter. I don't think I have had a proper meal in days and certainly not a consistent meal structure any way. Normally, I see eating as an inconvience of my time. A necessity of survival and a continuation of living. But lately even that instinct of having to eat to survive has dwindled. I feel no hunger neither. (I may have blogged about that on my personal page at some point)
Also things feel shifted slightly, out of phase with reality. Things seem sharper, brighter and a little unreal. Things feel intangible to the touch sometimes. Sounds sound louder, I have had to remove batteries from the clocks in all the rooms because the ticking was driving me mad. Even my heart and my breathing feel loud! I know I have read two books too, because they sit at the side of my bed but I don't remember doing so.

I feel like I should be worried by it all but to be honest, I feel care free. I feel weightless and liberated from mortal boundries. And that too should concern me.

I really don't know what to make of it all.

mental health-anxiety, oestrogen-pills, oestrogen-miscellaneous, oestrogen-unexpected changes, identity, mental health-miscellaneous

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