So I am horribly embarrassed about asking this but I've looked everywhere else and asked anyone else I can think of with no success. NSFW question behind the cut, and I assume any replies will be NSFW as well.
Alright so I'm an ftm who hasn't had any medical procedures done, nor am I on T. I have DDs and wide hips. I am also gay. As in, I like men. I have absolutely no predilection towards the female form at all. I'm no misogynist or anything, but women don't do it for me in the bedroom. You may begin to see my problem at this point but if you haven't then I'll lay it all out bare. I can't masturbate. Oh, I can get aroused, I can get horny, I can get all sorts of things. But I can't do anything about it because my own body turns me off. Touching my breasts makes me feel gross and immediately kills any phantom boner I might have had. Touching my vagina or clitoris is less gross but still a definite turn off. It's like hitting a switch. I'll get myself riled up but if I attempt to stimulate myself physically I lose all sexual interest. That doesn't mean I won't be horny again later, it just means I can't do anything about it. Ever. I may or may not be losing my mind. I welcome everyone to throw their suggestions at me but the question is mostly for other ftms. What can I do? How do I stimulate myself with turning myself off?