After a hiatus of several months, I have returned. My friends should see me around LJ and on AIM from now on, so feel free to chat with me if you so desire. I should get back to scanning stuff for
scans_daily and writing more p0rn soon. In the meantime, here's your State of the Mipp Address:
Still Obsessed With: Zemo, Samurai Champloo,, medieval history, Satan-worshipping heavy metal.
So Over: SDMB, most manga and anime.
Looks Good But Not Sold Yet: Various and sundry Avengers titles, Hawkeye's resurrection.
Covets: Transformers, hot Jewish guys, Danny Rand's sexy bod.
You Could Make Me Happy By: writing lots of Fantastic Four movieverse fic. It's been a LONG time since I've seen a movie with as much smoldering sexual tension between every conceivable pairing of any of the main characters as this one.