What I've achieved today...

Mar 13, 2012 23:14

Reminding myself again that the fact that there's so much left to do, doesn't mean that I've not achieved anything today.

Today I have:

* Made it to work on time despite train cancellations.
* Ate breakfast and remembered to bring my lunch
* Had lunch with a friend
* Drank water, only drank one coffee
* Worked more consistently than I have for a while (make-work makes ju something something...)
* Updated my resume
* Sent out a job application for Melbourne
* Sent out my updated resume to recruitment agents
* Followed up with current agent about potential contracts (zip atm)
* Organised Swancon panel stuff
* Paid bills
* Listened to a lecture
* Made lunches for the rest of the week
* Made dinner for myself (and notably didn't succumb to urge to order pizza)
* Read tutorial reports and responded to the discussion once (need to do one more this week)
* Read some of my backlog of blog posts and made some comments
* Called my Mum
* Wished Kaneda 'Happy Anniversary' and kissed him, and gave him Starry!Eyes several times.

And now I think I'll take one of my readings to bed... Thankfully it's a cooler night so I'll sleep better!

This entry was originally posted at http://transcendancing.dreamwidth.org/841554.html

study, dot points, note to self, achievements

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