I used to be able to call you.
I'd have called you after reading the piece by Luce Irigaray "I love to you" because it almost moved me to tears. I'd have called you because I understand.
If I'd not cried as much as I have lately, I'm sure it would have.
I'd have called you feeling alone.
I'd have called you feeling like everything is so fucked up... and in your words I would have felt a little less terrible, a lot more awesome, a lot more capable from within myself. Not as an extension of you, but me, my faith, my self, fortified in the wake of an unexpected onslaught.
I'd have called you telling you my fears and other things. They'd have been smaller.
They feel huge.
I feel alone and cut off from certain spaces holding importance to me.
All this is true in its own right.
However, I also miss you. I find this... unsettling.
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