* Handed in last essay around 2am Monday morning, found out that the <8am rule still in effect, so it counts for Friday which is *brilliant* beyond words.
* Brain fried for most of Monday but started studying after dinner in the evening. Dinner was with
maharetr and
samvara and was companionable awesome!
* Studied Tuesday morning and spent time with AliRT which was lovely.
* Did exam, and think I did well. Believe that what study I did appeared to have been exactly the right preparation for the exam!
* Spent a couple of hours in the Tav with bubbles and good company - people from my units came to sit and celebrate with me! Yay uni-friends! (who are not pre-existing) :)
* Dinner of amazingness prepared by
callistra, roast pork and veggies - just amazing, no other word for it. Company included Chesh and Linstar and Leachim and it was brilliant and family like and I loves them all so!
* Came home to find that fairies* had installed new shelves in my study! OMG I HAVE SHELVES!!! I feel so loved - and it's a really useful and appreciated birthday present! Also, to just come home and have it *there* waiting was so unexpected and lovely. I could cry with joy. I feel so very loved :)
And now I'm tired and should sleep. Shopping stuffs with Calli tomorrow for Sunday night ^_^
* By fairies I actually mean
chaosmanor and
samvara who are loved ones and family like and dearly, deeply loved!
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