Welcome Engineers//Supply Hunt

Jun 07, 2010 14:50

Hey everyone,

I intended to meet all the new arrivals at the meeting on the Observation Deck, but I'm sure you all noticed that it can get quite chaotic up there. I'm Billy Cranston, co-chief of the ship's Engineering department. The other chief is Allen Gentry, who is also the moderator of this bulletin board network and the principal of the school system. If you want to enroll in or teach any classes, he's the person you'll want to talk to. In addition to traditional academic subjects, we have courses in magic use and defense, meditation, survival skills, and other subjects. He'll have the full list, and you can also propose your own course if you have specialized knowledge you're interested in sharing.

Anyway, I'm writing to extend the invitation to join the Engineering department to all those who are interested. If you're skilled with computers, vehicle mechanics, weapon-crafting, or anything else that can fall under the umbrella, we'd like to have you. We also have people willing to train crew members interested in learning one or more of those skills.

Our laboratory is located on the first floor next to the Med Bay if you're interestedin visiting. Someone should be there whenever you choose to visit, but you can arrange a meeting with someone specific if you'd prefer something definite. I'm available for at least nine hours each day if you want to talk to me.

We're here to serve the ship at large, so if any of you from the other departments needs something built please talk to us. We'll see to it that you're served as soon as possible with the highest quality product we can provide.

For our current members, we just welcomed a large group of mecha pilots. Some of them may be joining us. If they want our help with repairs, perhaps we should compile a list of which of us have experience with large mecha. Rogue Squadron is also loooking for mechanics---Wyn's already working with them, but others might be interested as well. If you are, please contact her. In the meantime, I'll be helping to keep our ongoing communications, security, and weapons projects running smoothly.

As always, if you have questions, concerns, or complaints (even if they're about me) please let myself or Allen know.

Finally, on a recent trip to the City, I flew to the outskirts and located my former team's base of operations. It's most likely empty and abandoned, but I believe the equipment inside should be intact. The building has sentimental value to me, so I'm hesitant to gut it for supplies, but after some consideration I've concluded that gathering what we can to help the cause is far more important than preserving the base of a team that will most likely never fight together again.

There's not nearly enough power available to the Command Center to rebuild a functioning teleportation system since the power source on my world was destroyed, but it may be possible someday if we acquire a massive power source. With that in mind, I'd prefer to leave the non-functional teleportation equipment intact if at all possible. But I'm reluctantly willing to donate panels, wiring, and scrap metal to the cause if I find it.

If anyone would be interested in helping me explore and extract supplies from the Command Center, I've attached a map and directions to the location. I'll be waiting here, since I believe you need to be accompanied by a member of my former team to enter.

...wow, that was quite a long message. My apologies for the wordiness, everyone.


!attention: engineers, billy cranston

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