A Meeting of the Minds

Dec 24, 2009 02:02

[[OOC: Bendy-timed to before the Holiday plot.]]

Jeka arrived at the Jedi Temple that had been claimed as the headquarters of the Magic Department. A quick inspection of her surroundings indicated that Satori hadn't arrived yet, which didn't bother Jeka that much. She didn't mind waiting, especially when the being she was waiting for was likely to be along shortly anyway.

She passed the time by admiring the architecture. Most buildings on Orando were built into hillsides, and very rarely reached more than a few stories in height. One of the things she'd enjoyed since leaving her home planet was seeing all the things other sentients did with their building materials, and the most interesting examples had always been temples. She and Reep had discussed the reasons for that, and he'd promised to show her some of Durla's temples. They'd never gotten around to taking that trip.

She really, truly hoped that the Daligig were lying about their universes being destroyed. And she hoped that Reep and the others would wake up soon as well.

sensor, satori komeiji, !location: jedi temple

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