Team Whiskey-- you'll want a lot of it (Bendy time to before Holiday Plot)

Dec 23, 2009 13:26

Kawalsky stood inspecting the setting the Sensorium had pulled up. At first, he had Stacy display the base where he'd gone through basic training but then he thought that, given his team, that wouldn't be the best course. In the end, he settled on an indoor track with weight lifting machines and bars for pull ups in the middle.

The moment he'd looked at his team roster he knew he was in for a hell of a time. Two people stood out in particular in his memory from when they'd podpopped together, and not in a good way. Charles though maybe if he ran them ragged and drilled into their heads that he was in charge, he might have a chance of them following orders... unless they resented more than respected him.

But he also had a girl on the team. One who hadn't looked very alert and healthy when they'd gone to the medbay to hunker down during the zombie attack. He'd have to make exceptions for her and he knew the others wouldn't like it.

Well, this was it. Do or die. He just hoped not literally.

charles kawalsky, miku hinasaki, !location: sensoriums, gandrayda, jack/raiden, kazuya mishima, zhongda

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