Medbay on Level One

Nov 03, 2009 21:04

Down below the Pod Caverns was the Medbay. Most of the crew had been down there before, for one reason or another. The parts of it they had access to were currently empty of life -- and, as a matter of fact, empty of undeath as well ( Read more... )

chopper, kadaj, !plot: end of the world news, peter petrelli, tess lee, kazuya mishima, zhongda, sonic the hedgehog, charles kawalsky, miku hinasaki, the middleman

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silversouba November 4 2009, 21:42:24 UTC
“Finally!” Kadaj pushed past the two girls and that weird thing. “You guys are really pathetic.” It was comment made to sting about their inability to handle the stress of the situation. He didn’t get his black jumpsuit back but at least Souba was safely in his possession. Like hell was he letting it out of his hands anytime soon. Unfortunately for these suckers this weapon won’t be available to save them.

Kadaj began opening every drawer and cabinet as if in search for something. All he wanted was some answers though it was unlikely to happen in this part of the ship. At the very least maybe he’d find some useful materia.

He huffed in frustration, slamming the last cabinet door shut. “I’m stuck with the weaklings,” he said in an annoyed tone and loud enough for them to hear. Kadaj found one of the beds and flopped down on it, his upper back and head supported by the wall behind him.

Eventually he’ll find his brothers. If all goes well they will escape to and make it to the Medbay. It was the only reason the remnant could think of to remain put. Now it was just a waiting game now.

With the use of Souba (his double bladed katana) he made two thin cut along the plant suit hugging his arm. Kadaj smirked; amused that it would repair itself so easily. He sliced it again and watched, just passing the time.


kawalskyeffect November 4 2009, 23:53:33 UTC
"Shut up." Kawalsky snapped. He was still checking out the room, making through it slowly, assault rifle at the ready. "Don't go anywhere until I've cleared it." Though that was too late now maybe they'd remember it for the future.

Even though he was focused on spotting any zombies or any other potential threats Kawalsky couldn't help but notice how, well, alien the technology looked. "The hell is this stuff?"


demonicgene November 5 2009, 01:17:12 UTC
Kazuya was smirking, having taken up a position leaning against the wall opposite the entrance.

"Big words coming from a scrawny freak like yourself." Kazuya definitely had his eye on Kadaj. Not that he was sure why at the moment, but something about him had Kazuya's interest. To Kawalsky, Kazuya offered what little insight he might have gleaned from his time working with the bio-engineering portion of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

"From what I can tell, it's some sort of infection. Well, several kinds. The sheer variety of symptoms suggests somewhere around five or six strains. My guess? Biological warfare. Probably developed to be used as a weapon, but had side-effects that got out of hand."

His tone was cold, clinical, and scientific. He felt no emotion for the people that had turned into zombies. Not fear, not sympathy, nothing, except perhaps professional curiosity.


cowsquirtdrinkr November 5 2009, 02:08:01 UTC
"While some of the varietys are as you've said, others are just diseases that happened to evolve that way." Yes, the Middleman knows crap about Zombies. He sounds slightly un-emotional, but while zombies tend to freak him out more than most of the stuff he's faced, this is all just another day on the job for him.

"But, whule that's all interesting from a certain standpoint, it doesn't really have any bearing on getting our biscuits out of this bonfire."


hero_medic November 5 2009, 02:22:13 UTC
A gush of air, and Peter appeared, looking around the medbay. After getting his plantsuit, he had found the W&P lockers, half-organized mess that it was. What was more interesting, however, was the fact that he had a nameplate on a shelf with belongings on it. So as he appeared in the medbay, it was with a fully stocked EMS kit in his hand, a stethoscope hanging around his neck, and a dark blue jacket with a badge pinned to the front breast and "PARAMEDIC" written in white on the back. He zipped around for a second, finally placing the kit on a counter and turning around.

"Alright, first things first, does anyone here need medical attention?" He was too exhausted for exposition right now. Time to focus on the task at hand.


jin_xuandi November 5 2009, 02:28:23 UTC
Sima Yi's still remaining silent, preferring to listen and try to figure out just who and what he's dealing with - though a lot of the discussion about the zombies is going over his head; he's from the third century A.D., after all - rather than uselessly running his mouth. He's feeling marginally better, though, now that he's retrieved his breastplate, helmet, sword, and spear from weapons and possessions. The plantsuit, though, he's definitely not happy with - it's far too clingy and... alive.


demonicgene November 5 2009, 04:20:44 UTC
Kazuya eyed Middleman with some trepidation, questioning just how he came across information like that. To Peter, he just offered a condescending eye, and snorted at Sima Yi, noting the dated appearance and being reminded of an exhibit in a museum he had seen in passing one time.

He was very happy to have the simple red leather, metal studded, gloves that had become such a part of him returned. He didn't mention that if he so chose, he could easily clear a path for all of those involved with minimal effort. After all, he wasn't sure just who could be trusted with the information about his 'other self'.

"What I want to know right now, is just who the hell you people are, and what you're capable of. I want to know everything about you people before sticking my neck out and attempting some sort of a plan."


ghost_bait November 5 2009, 04:33:11 UTC
"I'll be fine," Miku assured both Tess and the little reindeer (was he a doll? Some kind of living, cute doll?) with a soft, hopefully reassuring smile. Besides, it wasn't as if anyone could see the cursemarks blooming under her skin but her at the moment. Her Camera had been waiting for her in W&P, but Miku hadn't picked it up. What good would film do against the physical dead? If they made it out of this alive, she would retrieve it, and not a moment before.

As for Kadaj, and the other men strutting around like proud cocks, Miku politely ignored them. "Is there something we should be doing... I wasn't feeling the best before, and I only half heard what that man had asked us to do."


kawalskyeffect November 5 2009, 04:39:54 UTC
"Lie down on one of these... things." Kawalsky said, pointing to what resembled a bed. "Speedy," He said pointing to Peter Petrelli. "See what you can do for her. And as for you," He turned to Kazuya. "I'm Major Charles Kawalsky of the US Air Force. Who are you?"


hero_medic November 5 2009, 04:47:13 UTC
Peter did as Kawalsky said, moving Miku to a bed quickly.

"I'm Peter Petrelli. I'm a trained paramedic and nurse. Is there anything that feels broken?" His concern was genuine, the kind a guy who honestly chose his profession for the good of others would have. No innuendo, nothing but the caring, slightly sad tone of someone who was worried about someone else.

"I need you to be honest with me, or I can't help you, miss..."


deep_sky_diving November 5 2009, 04:52:55 UTC
Tess helps Miku over to the bed-or hovers protectively, if she isn't given that chance. She's take a shine to Miku, apparently.

"We're just here to be... here. Out of the way of the people with training."

Behind her concern, her face is kind of blank, is if lost in thought.


silversouba November 5 2009, 06:11:57 UTC
For the most part Kadaj kept to himself and lounged around on the unoccupied bed. Let the humans scurry about and worry what was to come. They were just mere blemishes on an insignificant planet. The remnant chuckled quietly to himself. Ah, he had a heal materia right within his wrist! Little did these people know that within seconds he could heal any of the sick or injured. Of course, he would withhold any special information like that. It was quite amusing (better than most dramas they showed on television) to see them squirm and panic.

One thing that did catch his interest were all the medical gadgets. Vague memories of such devices wormed their way within his mind. But they weren't his own-they were Sephiroth’s. Ignoring the people and situation around him, Kadaj walked right between them and towards the other wing. “Hn. This is a scientist’s paradise,” he murmured to himself. “Wonder what useful tools we’ll find in here~”

((OOC: Don’t mind Kadaj. He’s off in his own world XD))


ghost_bait November 5 2009, 06:15:44 UTC
"Hinasaki. Hinasaki Miku." The introduction was soft and quick as she settled back on the bed and looked at Peter with her wide, brown eyes. "Nothing's broken," Miku replied, her brows knitted together. "I... the zombies?" she couldn't laugh; she had to deal with the intangible dead on a regular basis recently. "The method of getting rid of them made me ill. I was really just queasy... from the death."

Please don’t touch her, Mr. Petrelli… or you might not like what you see. Miku shifted uncomfortably against the “bed” and tried her best to give Tess a smile that wasn't pained looking.

She failed miserably.


cowsquirtdrinkr November 5 2009, 06:53:54 UTC
"I'm the Middleman. Former Navy Seal and now I'm the head agent of a secret organization that polices and protects Earth from what some would call bomic book evil. And in all honesty sir, not sticking your neck out and hleping people during this mess is likely to have you wind up dead."


hero_medic November 5 2009, 08:52:46 UTC
Peter looked her over and smiled warmly when he was done, reaching into his medkit and pulling out two pills.

"Very good news, Miss Hinasaki. You only have a severe case of bruising, physically. Take these with a glass of water, and you'll feel at least good enough to walk around in the morning." His smile continued. He was a warm and genuine human being.

"I would give you a lollipop for being a good patient, but my kit didn't come with them." His smile widened into a grin.


not_to_be_eaten November 5 2009, 10:28:54 UTC

Chopper watched Peter deal with Miku, impressed by his check-up of her. He seemed like a really nice guy and he even offered a lollipop! Are doctors meant to offer lollipops? He'd never seen a doctor like that before. Even Dr Kureha, his teacher, only offered him knives.

Then he snapped back to what the mean looking human with the spikey hair was saying. He didn't want to answer the question but everyone was answering, so he felt obliged to. "I-I'm Tony Tony Chopper," Chopper started off timidly. He'd seen the looks Kadaj and Kazuya had thrown him. It was scary. "I'm a d-doctor." That last word came out unsure.

As usual, Chopper was discrediting his own ability. How could he say he was a doctor after being so easily impressed by Peter's professionalism?


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