New job.

Oct 29, 2010 12:36

So I wasn't looking or anything. One Sunday morning a customer, Diane, mentioned a proofreader was retiring at Xerox, where she worked, and I casually asked a couple questions. It had been 7 years since I had done work in my field of study, but written communications was the focus of my bachelor's degree. The next day, Diane called and said her manager was interested and asked if I could submit a resume. The following day, her manager actually called me and asked a few questions and if I could submit a resume by the next day. I hadn't worked on it in 7 years, so I stayed up until 2am perfecting it (how bad would it look if you were applying for a proofreading position and you had errors on your resume?). The ironic thing was I had stayed up until 2am the night before writing my self-review for Sbux and here I was staying up late again to write a resume for a new job!

Anyway, I was told to sit tight, because she had to go through corporate to open up the position and it may be a few weeks. Lo and behold, I received a phone call 5 days later to set up an interview the next morning, which I couldn't do because I had to work. I wasn't going to compromise my current job... No worries, though. I was called the next day to...reschedule the interview?? Oh no, I was OFFERED THE POSITION based on the phone conversation! What?! How does that happen? Especially in this economy! There are recent college grads who are looking for this position and I got offered it within 9 days of the "casual conversation".

Anyway, after a few hours of discussion with Chris and weighing out the options, I took it. It was a decrease in pay, which we just prayed that God would provide, but such an increase in sanity! I had a M-F 8-5 job! I could see my kids and not take any work home! Stress immediately went from 200 to 20. I felt like this opportunity was handed to me for a reason so I took the leap of faith and I am content that I did. As for the $$, Chris came home last week and informed me that he received a 15% raise. REALLY?! I knew God was behind this...

I miss being a manager, because I like to have control, but this has really taught me to let go. There are so many more important things and as much as I didn't want it to happen, Sbux became a priority it shouldn't have been. Don't get me wrong. I loved my job, but I couldn't do the time. Now I get to do the part I REALLY love a couple days a week--be a rockstar barista.


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