Mar 04, 2003 18:49
You know, for someone who "cuts" herself (For attention, I am POSITIVE) and "is suicidal", you would think you would be competant to get it right this time. You should have done away with yourself a long time ago, no one likes you and that is a fact. You are a slut and everyone I have talked to about you agrees, which is not the least bit suprising since you fuck just about anything that breathes. I mean Red headed Jimmy? That is a new low for you. You probably did it to get and advance on drugs,which brings me to my next point - that you are a lying, junkie theif. It makes me wonder, what Won't you do for a little meth or coke? Or HASH? I think that one speaks for itself and reflects on just what kind of person you are. You look for love in all the wrong places, you think fucking guys will make them love you, well, No one will ever love you. You are too problematic, too dramatic and too self destructive. No one wants a chocolate mess to be
" in love with". Your whole life is a mess and it's no one fault but YOURS. You think you have it so damn hard and that life is one big tragedy...but I don't see you being poverty stricken, having no parents, having no friends (that one comes as a suprise) so you have NOTHING to bitch about. You just wallow in self pity because you feel sorry for yourself and you feel everyone else should too. You scream for attention, you thrive on it. I am sure if everyone ignored you for a week, you would stop breathing. You are a parasite - you live and feed off of others, a pesky leach if you will. Could you last a day on your own? I find it rather ironic and in fact, even COMICAL, that you have the nerve to call ME the liar, when in fact, YOU are the theif here, and not just for conissuer purposes, but for DRUGS. You are truly lower than the vile in one's infectious, disease ridden saliva. Don't worry though, you have a "friend" right at the same level as you, Chris. -snickers- I believe you will never find true friends, and even if you do, you are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY unnable to keep them for an extended period of time, because you are A LYING SACK OF SHIT. I feel you already know the truth about yourself, I am merely reminding you. You can't even tell people at school the truth about stealing the money - cause you're ashamed of yourself, aren't you? You should be. You are worthless, and always have been. Even your own mother sees you as worthless and wants nothing to do with your sorry ass, she wants to send you away and get rid of you cause all your are is one big inconvinient, sorry piece of ass. You are a piece of ass to all guys, and that is all you are. No one will ever think you are special, and no one will ever put you on a pedestal a day longer than they can see through your lies, self pity and pure bullshit. I am suddenly reminded why I kept you around for so long, because I had no one else. I am sure even your own mother keeps you around for lack of anyone else. You are a degenerate, one with probably a series of undiscovered STDS at that, and I am eternally greatful that I never touched you, for fear of lepracy or contracting some other sort of grievous bodily disease. I regret few things in life, you are one of them.I think everyone who knows you regrets meeting you in some way or another. You are a pathetic waste of life, and my only advice to you, is to do it right this time and KILL YOURSELF NOW The end.
She is lucky that is all I'm saying. I could go on forever :)