Happy Birthday to Me! Ficathon!

Jul 12, 2006 14:02

I'm suffering from a bit of writer's block at the moment (I call it post-World Cup depression) and wanted something to kick me in the pants. And, since my birthday's this Friday, I can think of no greater gift than kicking writer's block in the ass with lots of hot girl-on-girl action!!

So, for my birthday, I'd like you to prompt me into writing. Any fandom, any pairing, it can be as generic or as detailed as you like and I'll try and write as much girl-on-girl* action 'til Friday..or the weekend since Sci-Fi is giving me all new Stargate episodes for the occasion.

And, hey, if any of *you* would like to write *me* fic for my birthday. I am nothing if not a shameless whore. Just don't say that to my face or I'll Zizou head-butt you in the chest!

Oh, and in case you missed it - New Header!!

* Okay, I'll take het and m/m pairings just, please, no Sheppard/McKay!!

fic challenge, ficathon

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