Grey's Anatomy - Dear TV People - STOP making me cry dammit! My heart's made of coal, I'm cynical, snarky, I don't cry watching TV. But, you had to kill Billy, and then you made George even more awesome than he already is because you paired him with Bailey which was like double awesome, and..what are you people trying to do, break me!?!
I love Christina and Burke, but this ep gave me *major* Christina/Meredith vibes. Like, awww, Christina doesn't wanna leave the OR because 'her person' could get blown up. I mean, really, do you think Christina would be as committment-phobic if she were shacking up with Mere?
Meredith - I dare say, for the majority of the two parter, I really liked Meredith. Altyhough, those last couple minutes really do highlight how much the Meh/Duh ship sucks the life out of Meredith. Heh, and apparently, the best way to get Meredith's hair to look good is to have Izzie and Christina do it for her.
Okay, Izzie in glasses is like teh *hottest* thing ever. Plus, she giggles when she's stressed and has the best post-sex hair. Maybe now that she's done the nasty with Alex she can move on to someone better *cough*Addison*cough*.
For approximately 50 minutes this was awesome, perfect television. Then, they had to make Meh dream Derek. Then they had to kill Kyle Chandler. I totally should have seen that coming. And then, to completely kill any awesome feelings remaining - they ended the episode on Meh and Duh. Please, someone explain to me WHY I'm supposed to find this romantic. Because everytime Meh dreams of McDouche, or McSmarmy makes flirty eyes at Meh all I keep thinking is 'am I the *only* one who remembers this Douchebag is married?'. The man couldn't even be *happy* when his frightened wife hugged him. What happened to those 11 years and she's your family, Derek? Fucking douche.
Heh, speaking of Addison, she continues to rock my world. I loved her little freakout with George even while I wanted to reach into the screen and hug her. Thank GOD someone comes along next week who appreciates Addison's awesomeness!
As an aside, I'm wondering if the Chief's wife knows about the Chief and Mama Grey.
William George Bailey Jones!! How that man is still single is completely beyond me. And he had the cuteness with Christina Ricci. I really hope she's coming back.
Winter Olympics - Yay!! It's that time of year again.
Oh Women's Hockey, you make it so hard to counter the 'women's hockey is boring' crap when is a blow-out!! Good Lord, that Canada/Italy game was friggin' painful! And, as much as I love Canada, I was soo rooting for the Italians to get just ONE goal, just one, that's all I was askin'.
Dear NBC - Ha! I watch shit live on CBC so ya'll can take your 14 hour tape delayed coverage and suck it! But thanks for the live women's hockey since, you know, you wouldn't have shown it in primetime anyway. And, in a couple hours, I'm gonna watch the women's half-pipe live. Yes NBC market research people, there *are* women who'll not only watch sports live, but get up really fucking early in the morning to do so.