Wednesday TV Time

Feb 09, 2006 00:18

Well crap, is it Thursday yet? Beause ABC is rebroadcasting Grey's Lesbian Anatomy and I'm pretty certain I'll find *that* more entertaining than two-thirds of the crap I watched tonight.

Lost - Ya know, this is the second ep in a row in which something *really* traumatic has happened to one of the female characters only to have that as the backdrop for more White Man's Angst. And, quite honestly, I'm getting a little fucking tired of it. So, Sun gets grabbed and it somehow ends up being All About Sawyer and Cock Fighting Unholy Trio of Jack, Locke and Sawyer? Fuck you, Lost!

I figured out it was going to be Sawyer behind it all the moment he threatened Jack. And, I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to see this ep as the Return of Sawyer the Badass, except, Sawyer's *never* been a badass. Sayid's a badass, Ecko's a badass, etc, etc. Sawyer's a glowering, dimpled coward who preys upon lonely women to steal money. That's not being a badass, that's an asshole. And whne he glowered at Sayid and made the torture comment I'm like 'dude, the person you should be worrying about is Jin. Because when he finds out what you did to Sun he's gonna make what Sayid did to you a fucking cake walk'. But, do you think we'll ever have any kind of resolution/*real* fallout to this? Or that Sawyer will actually be held accountable for his actions when we have Charlie to blame it on? No.

If it hadn't been for that preview of Sayid, I'd be cutting Lost loose. Although I'll probably be cutting it from my viewing schedule anyway since *spoiler*Michelle Rodriguez will probably get cut from the cast.*spoiler*

Veronica Mars - I watched this while tuning back and forth between Lost during the Sawyer flashbacks. And while I can't adequately judge the ep since I didn't watch all of it, it didn't exactly hold my interest *when* I watched what I could.

While I thought the beginning to season two was really good, imo, the show's gone off the rails a bit. The firing of Teddy Dunn didn't alleviate my reservations about this season. But, maybe now that Rob Thomas has felt the wrath of the fan girls he'll stop placating/enabling the fandom's overbloated sense of entitlement and get back to writing the show.

But, yay for more Mac! Too bad I can't flood his email box anymore demanding that she be made a regular.

Invasion - This just in...Larkin's still dumb as a bag of hair! Well fuck, just when this show starts really picking up, ABC puts it on hiatus for - hold on to your hats - another goddamn procedural. Dammit, I want my weekly Mariel fix.

Anyhoo, whoa, did not see that coming. The show concentrates this ep on two characters who've been given a bit of the short shrift lately - Dave and Kira. I found it interesting how the two storylines were about connecting to something, on one hand, there's Dave's clone, stealing bits of Real Dave's life to connect to a life that is and isn't his own. On the other hand, there's Kira, she's been feeling disconnected from her father only to find out the real reason. She so desperately wants to feel/be a part of something, she's willing to risk her life for the unknown.

If I gave a crap about dumbass Larkin, I'd wonder how her experience with Not!Dave influences her opinions of the whaliens as a whole. So far, she's seen it as a black or white equation. Now she's learned, it's not that simple.

Also, the scene where Not!Dave was gazing at Larkin through the open door..scared the bejesus out of me!

fandom: veronica mars, fandom: lost, fandom: invasion

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