
Dec 14, 2005 22:33

You people and your damn memes. Snagged this from zennie:

1) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
Considering the fact that I consider standing in the shower an accomplishment in and of itself, brushing while showering is pretty much outside my abilities.

2) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?
Only if she’s naked.

3) How old do you look?
Don't know, just know it's younger than I actually am.

4) How old do you act?
Like a 22 year old still in college.

5) What's the last song you sang?
Redemption Song by Bob Marley.

6) Do you have a crazy uncle?
My mom’s favorite phrase in regards to our family is ‘insanity doesn’t run in our family - it gallops’, so, yeah, I have a crazy uncle, and aunt, and cousin…

7) Have you ever smuggled something into America?
Every chance I get. It’s great living next to a border!

8) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
Why? We in prison?

9) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
Yeah, Seattle Storm, and the Sounders just won the league. Don’t know about the Big Three, and couldn’t really give a crap.

10) Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom?
Ugh, no.

11) You ever had sex in a tent?

12) What about in a boat?

13) Have you ever dated a goth?
No, but I did go through a goth phase, so can I say I dated myself?

14) Can you fix your own car?
Considering I’m a lesbian, I probably should. But, I believe there’s a reason there are people who go to school and get trained at these sorts of things. It keeps me from fucking up the *really* expensive things I own.

15) Would you kill George W. Bush?
How much you payin’?

16) Should guys wear pink?
No one, and I mean *no one* should wear pink.

17) Do you smoke?
Unfortunately, yes.

18) Are you a lover or a fighter?
Heh, yes.

19) What's your worst fear?
Mild claustrophobe. But, I also have an irrational fear of a zombie plague. Ya’ll just wait, it’s coming, I’m telling you!!

20) As a kid, were you a lego maniac?
Hell, I‘m *still* a lego maniac. Want me to love you long time? Buy me some lego‘s.

21) Do you like reality TV?
Depends on the show. Loved Amazing Race until that damn family edition.

22) Chew on straws?

23) Were you a cute baby?
I‘m still cute.

24) What’s your favorite color?

25) What color is your keyboard?

26) Do you sing in the shower?

27) Have you ever bungee jumped?
Not yet but I will, dammit.

28) Any secret talents?
If I told, they wouldn’t be secrets now would they?

29) What's your ideal vacation spot?
One of these days, I *will* make it to New Zealand. It‘s the damn Xena fan in me.

30) Can you swim?
Nope. My Dad tried to teach me when I was a kid by throwing my ass in the deep end of a pool. I still haven‘t recovered emotionally.

31) Have you seen the movie "Donnie Darko"?
Own it on DVD.

32) Do you care about the o-zone?
Of course I do, which is why I drive a gas-guzzling SUV.

33) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a ...?
As many as it takes.

34) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Sure, when sober.

35) Have you ever been on an airplane?
Too many times. I hate flying.

36) Are you an only child?
No, one older brother.

37) Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpener?
Electric, but I prefer mechanical pencils.

38) Do you like your handwriting?
It gets the job done.

39). What are you allergic to?
Nothing, although coffee makes me ill.

40). When was the last time you said I love you?
Way longer than it should be.

41). Do you cry at weddings?
Not really. But, I‘ve only been to one and I was the one doing the marrying so not a really great time to break out with the waterworks.

42). How do you like your eggs?
In an omelette.

43) What time is it?

44) Do you have a nickname?
The most known one is trancer, there’s also Mikey which my mom *hates*.

45) Is McDonald's disgusting?
Probably, doesn‘t stop me from eating there. Those breakfast sandwich‘s are pure crack.

46). When was the last time you were in a car?
This afternoon.

47). Do you prefer baths or showers?
No preference. They both have their benefits.

48). Are you afraid of the dark?
No, just what could be lurking in it.

49). What are you addicted to?
My computer.

50). Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Creamy, definitely creamy.

51). Can you crack your neck?
No, I‘m too afraid of doing it wrong and breaking it.

52). Have you ever rode in an ambulance?

53). How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
Just once. Which is why my oral hygienist treats me like a four year old.

54). Is drug free the way to be?
Fuck no. If life were meant to be drug free it wouldn’t suck so damn much.

55) Are you a heavy sleeper?
I wish.

56) What color are your eyes?

57) Last inside joke?
Can‘t remember. Too many drugs.

58) Do you like your life?
Eh, could be better, could be worse.

59) Have you read "Catcher in the Rye"?

60) Do you play any instruments?
Guitar and piano. Used to play oboe in high school.

61) Have you ever stolen anything?
Heh, juvenile delinquency is fun.

62) Can you snowboard?
I‘m not exactly sure what I do can be called snowboarding.

63) Do you like camping?
Sure, as long as there‘s a cabin involved with hot water and indoor plumbing…and cable!

64) Do you snort when you laugh?

65) Do you believe in magic?
Bush is in office for a second term. Magic, well Black Magic, is the only plausible reason.

66) Are dogs a man's best friend?

67) You believe in divorce?
Yes. But then, I’m not entirely convinced about marriage. If it’s an “institution” then one should have the right to drop out, or transfer to another school. Too bad there are no SAT’s to make sure you’re actually qualified for it.

68) Do you make a lot of mistakes?
I wouldn‘t say “a lot“, more like I‘ve made my share.

69) Is it cold outside today?
Fuck yeah, it‘s like 33 outside right now..

70) What was the last thing you ate?
Pepperoni pizza.

71) Do you wear nail polish?
Occasionally I wear black when I‘m feeling a little bit goth.

72) What's the most annoying TV commercial?
I don‘t know if there‘s a one. But, there‘s this trend in a couple of them where one person is eating food and ignoring the person who‘s talking to them. I have a thing about watching people eat.

73) Do you shop at American Eagle?
What‘s American Eagle.

74) Do you like chicken?
Oh yea.

75) If you could be with one person right now who would it be?
My inner 14-year-old says Katherine Heigl ’cuz she’s my Botticelli baby. But, the logical part of my brain says back in Texas hangin’ with my Mom.


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